Transdev are a leading public transport company. Our local teams of over 5,700 employees operate train, bus, coach, ferry and light rail services across Australia and New Zealand. With our partners in local government, public authorities, and private companies, we deliver over 145 million passenger journeys every year on over 2,050 vehicles and vessels.

Our ambition is to be the trusted partner of our clients and customers by pioneering in mobility. Transdev Australasia is part of Transdev group, a global network of 83,000 colleagues in 19 countries. Our customer and client focus, commitment to innovation and provision of safe travel lies at the heart of our success and continued growth.

Transdev’s aim for reconciliation is to acknowledge and respect, celebrate and reflect, and provide strong social and economic opportunities for the First Nations People of Australia, as customers who feel welcome on our services, as suppliers, as stakeholders, and as our employees.

Transdev developed its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at Reflect level in 2019.  In 2021, we reinstated our commitment to reconciliation through our second Innovate RAP, an important step along our diversity, equity, and inclusion journey.

Transdev has developed strategies and established a very strong approach towards advancing reconciliation.  We have recently satisfied the training, employment, social procurement, and community engagement requirements of our Innovate RAP and were approved by Reconciliation Australia to move to a Stretch RAP.

The Stretch RAP will be developed with the aim of creating real and tangible outcomes, built around:

  • Sustainable Business Support & Growth
  • Meaningful Careers and Opportunities, and
  • Embedding and Advancing Cultural Learning

The Stretch RAP will reiterate and outline our commitment to ongoing engagement and consultation with First Nations people in community and staff on the topic and advancement of reconciliation.

Transdev recognise Kinaway as an integral partner in ensuring that we support the economic self-determination of Victorian Aboriginal businesses by working closely with them in both direct social procurement and indirect social procurement initiatives aligned with Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework.

Kinaway will help Transdev to improve the visibility networks of local Aboriginal businesses to strengthen relationships and create meaningful mutually beneficial economic opportunities. We wish to identify these business in the hopes of introducing them into our supply chain.

Our approach to procurement has been developed in alignment with Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework to ensure that we use our buying power to generate social value for all Victorians.

Our key objective is to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.  Transdev is committed to improving the lives of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

From our partnership with Kinaway, we aim to deliver long-term, beneficial, and reciprocal partnerships on a sustainable basis with First Nations people and their communities to ensure we are contributing to closing the gap.

Our partnership will help pave the way for deeper engagement with First Nations communities and provide more opportunities for local Victorian Aboriginal-owned businesses to supply products and services for Transdev whilst working together towards Reconciliation.

Transdev John Holland Bus Senior Leadership team participating in Aboriginal Employment Strategy – Aboriginal Cultural Respect Immersion workshop for NAIDOC Week 2022.

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