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Championing Reconciliation in your Organisation


Reconciliation as defined by Oxford Learners Dictionary, reconciliation (noun)(between A and B) | reconciliation (with somebody) an end to a disagreement and the start of a good relationship again “Their change of policy brought about a reconciliation with Britain.” reconciliation (between A and B) | reconciliation (with something) the process of making it possible for two different ideas, facts, etc. to exist together without being opposed to each other “the reconciliation between environment and development” I don’t think the Dictionary does the word complete justice. If we’re to take the dogmatic view from the dictionary, the process of closing the gap and reconciliation becomes a cold, lengthy and political process. See our calendar of events for an overview of significant dates, you will be able to gain a systematic overview of apologies and key events which outlines the relationship with the First Nations peoples and the Australian Government since 1788….

This content is for Indigenous Businesses Owner, Corporate Partner and Kinaway Team only.
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