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COVID-19 Kinaway Update


Hello Staff, Members and Stakeholders Due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation and recognising the evolving global medical crisis and the potential risk to the wider community stemming from the virus, the Kinaway Chamber of Commerce Board has decided to implement a Continuity of Operation plan. This decision has taken into account the concerns of our staff , members and key stakeholders to ensure we minimise risk to our Kinaway ecosystem, whilst still having the capacity to deliver services and support to our members over this period. There are 4 phases to the Continuity of Operational plan Phase 1 Identify what risks are present to our staff, members and key stakeholders and how the COVID-19 virus would affect not just our operations, but our members and key stakeholders. Identify what services Kinaway provides and what capacity through out each of the phases looks like Establish delegation powers of staff and…

This content is for Indigenous Businesses Owner, Corporate Partner and Kinaway Team only.
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