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Black Cladding – Are Indigenous Businesses Using Culture to Win Government Contracts?


In recent weeks, a well known Indigenous author Bruce Pascoe, was accused that he was not Indigenous and he has made money from pretending to be something he is not. The accusation came from another Indigenous person in the community, the motivation was unclear. Cases like this have happened in the past, such as Mudrooroo, with no real distinct conclusion. The concluding factor usually is confusion, frustration and hurt reputations. On that note, we’ve decided to address the growing trend of Black Cladding. In order to establish a long sustainable legacy, of capable and ethical Indigenous businesses. What is Black Cladding? Black – Denotes Indigenous peoples of Australia, this includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians that make up some 300+ Clan groups Cladding – A covering or coating on a structure or material. In a sentence – “They said they are an Indigenous business, but there were no Indigenous…

This content is for Indigenous Businesses Owner, Corporate Partner and Kinaway Team only.
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