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Monthly Archives

May 2020

COVID-19 forces closure of more than half of Victoria’s Indigenous businesses

18 May 2020 Victoria’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander business sector is in severe decline from the impact of COVID-19 according to the preliminary findings of a survey by the sector’s peak body. Kinaway Chamber of Commerce said it began comprehensively surveying its 150 members early this year, initially in response to Victoria’s bushfire crisis, and then during the ongoing pandemic. Kinaway Chair, Karen Milward, said the survey had revealed a sector in serious trouble with more than 22% of businesses immediately ceasing operations in March 2020. “We expect that figure to have increased significantly by now with the survey predicting that by the end of May 58% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses in Victoria would be closed,” said Ms Milward. “Nearly every business surveyed said they would not remain operating beyond three months of the March lock downs.” “This is a catastrophe that eclipses even the…

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Board member Expression of Interest

Due to a recent retirement, the Kinaway Chamber of Commerce invites suitable experienced applicants to register their Expressions of Interest to join the Kinaway board. The Kinaway Chamber of Commerce is an incorporated organisation. The role of the organisation is to grow the Victorian Indigenous business community. The Chamber represents the business community at Federal, State and local levels through advocacy, networking, information sharing and support services. The Chamber provides powerful leadership and considered solutions that support business success. As per Kinaway Chamber of Commerce, section 11.2, to qualify for appointment as a Board Appointed Director a person shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Board, knowledge and experience of at least 5 years in one or more of the following areas: (a) financial management; (b) business; (c) marketing; and (d) any other skill or area of expertise required by the Board. Individuals planning to submit an Expression of Interest…

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